This image would have been good for an edit maybe if the exposure was brighter and if it wasn't really blurry.
The image is of a bridge was some graffiti that says "Flat Earth". It could have served a nice edit for a close up of the decay instead of a landscape edit. But I was moving as I took the image so it resulted in a blur.
This image was a nice shot of a wooden bridge that ran through a forested area. The trees, shrubs and bushes that were in this area were really nice. Wile the picture could still be used, there is motion blur. Most of my pictures are still so the motion blur and the still images combined wouldn't mix well.
This image of the house would be a great shot to develop into an edit. The shot is clear and still which is good for the type of edit I am after and with the sky being as clear as it is in the image it makes the image easier to edit by taking out the unnecessary difficult that it could produce.