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With this edit I decided to try different overlay effects. I tried Black&White but thought it looked to washed out so i deepened the contrast. I liked the outcome but thought it looked to dull so I tried a sepia effect but again didn't really like it. I settled on the colour version, I want to deepen the colours so they look darker and less pale.

This is the outcome I got after darkening the colours. I am pleased with the outcome.

The first image is my final for the experiment, but I wanted to test out sepia and B&W just to see if it'll work with it, I didn't like either so i reverted it.

For the college garage, I thought it looked bland so again i tried sepia and B&W. Again i didnt like it so i decided maybe instead of giving it an overlay I could just add more foliage in and make the scene darker.

After adding in more foliage and darkening the colours, I think the experiment went really well. 

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