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Mans Cities

Natures Cities

Man Vs Nature


my concept for my FMP is man vs nature: Post-Apocalyptic.

I want to to make my man vs nature theme thrive by using post apocalyptic nature. Where disaster strikes and nature reclaims. 

This can go in any direction like natural disasters on mans territory, Man made disaster on natures territory, or manmade disaster on its own land and nature reclaims it afterwards (Post-War)

Bulletpoints Explaining

  • Post-Apocalyptic setting

  • War among the two (Man Vs Nature)

  • The combination of nature and man colliding in a fight for planet wide dominance.



Natural Disasters are a good way to perceive this project with, As natural disasters could be nature fighting man for its land back. I find this interesting because these events can be catastrophic.

Personal Reasons

This is a good example made my Vladimir Manyuhin. He makes a variety of different post apocalyptic scenes using his amazing editing skills.

I really like his work and find his work relevant to my ideas.

My personal reasons as to why I want to pursue man vs nature in the style of Post-Apocalyptic is because i find post-apocalyptic settings interesting. I am a large fan of the game series fallout. Within that universe mankind has annihilated itself with atom bombs causing the end of civilization. With the addition of user made modifications, fans have been able to make nature reclaim the city in the game. This inspired the idea of man attacking itself and nature claiming the land afterwards.

Fallout 4 Images

The game once overhauled looks very interesting in the aspect of nature reclaiming land after such an event. Man has managed to kill everything around itself and nature has come to pick up the pieces of the fallen civilization.


The audience that my aspect of this project may attract would be people who also find post-apocalypse settings intriguing. So this theme would revolve around keywords such as:

  • Dystopian 

  • Dead

  • Apocalyptic









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