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3hrs 20mins left


7hrs left

Monday 16.5hrs left


14hrs left

  • Equality and Diversity research page.                                (45Mins)

  • Create Moodboard for chosen Specialism - Post-Apocalyptic and Summarize how it links to my work                                             (1hr 30mins)

  • Make a plan to shoot for Milton Keynes shoot.                  (15mins)


2hrs 30mins



  • Photoshoot of Milton Keynes (7hrs hours from 11:30am-6:30pm)












  • Contact sheet for the Milton Keynes shoot (10 Minutes)

  • Lightroom Edit Touch-ups     (30 mins)

  • Do edits in the style of Tim Tadder (1hr )

  • Do Edits in the style of Vladimir Manyuhin (2hrs 30mins)





3hrs 40mins

  • Attend college at 9am and work on wix page until progress meeting (2hrs)

  • Go home after meeting and evaluate edits (1hr 20mins)








3hrs 20mins

Progression Week

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