3hrs 20mins left
7hrs left
Monday 16.5hrs left
14hrs left
Equality and Diversity research page. (45Mins)
Create Moodboard for chosen Specialism - Post-Apocalyptic and Summarize how it links to my work (1hr 30mins)
Make a plan to shoot for Milton Keynes shoot. (15mins)
2hrs 30mins
Photoshoot of Milton Keynes (7hrs hours from 11:30am-6:30pm)
Contact sheet for the Milton Keynes shoot (10 Minutes)
Lightroom Edit Touch-ups (30 mins)
Do edits in the style of Tim Tadder (1hr )
Do Edits in the style of Vladimir Manyuhin (2hrs 30mins)
3hrs 40mins
Attend college at 9am and work on wix page until progress meeting (2hrs)
Go home after meeting and evaluate edits (1hr 20mins)
3hrs 20mins