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Identity theme: Mental Health

For my identity project I wanted to focus on mental health. Mental health is a strong variable to what defines an individual to their personality which is why i wanted to focus my project on it. 

Mental Health is not strictly tied to depression and anxieties. 

It also ties to mental disorders such as:


  • Alzheimer's

  • Autism

  • PTSD (Post-Traumatic stress disorder)

  • ADHD(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)

  • Anorexia Nervosa 

  • Anger 

  • Schizophrenia

  • Bipolar


Mental Health is something that is growing to now be a public health concern to which is why it is important to educate yourself on it. Refer to this website to view statistics of the current global state referring to mental health.



Mental Health Statistics: UK & Worldwide

Graffiti is art in its own form. It is normally criticized as criminal damage, but sometimes it can truly be beautiful and have proper meaning.

Banksy is known for doing good graffiti with meaning, such as the image above that says "Keep your coins. I WANT CHANGE" 

This piece of art is effective as its representing the homeless problem that is happening globally. The artwork is stating that the homeless don't want pocket change, they want actual change in which they get home, like the government.

Some graffiti creates a culture of its own regarding problems.

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