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  • Now double click on the layer named "cyan"

  • Turn off "red" and leave "green" & "blue" on and then click ok (The picture will look regular with its colours (Due to the two layers overlapping eachtoher)

  • ​

3D Photography technique

Step By Step

  • Open your photo in photoshop

  • Duplicate the photo

  • Rename 1 layer "Red" and the other layer "Cyan"

  • Double click on the layer named "Red"

  • Turn off "Green" And "Blue" and then click ok


  • click on the layer named "red"

  • using the "move tool" (       )

  • Make sure the layer named "red" is still selected, use the right arrow key to shift the image over towards the right (How many clicks you want. I did 5) This will nudge the image to the right

  • you will start to see a difference in the image.

  • Now select the layer named "Cyan" and this time, still using the "move tool" (      ). Use the left arrow key to shift it left. (Again, how many clicks you want, preferably the same as you did with the "red" layer. so i did 5)

  • Now the image is in 3D and should look something like this:

  • ​

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