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Samantha Louise Taylor-Johnson

Samantha Louise Taylor-Johnson does time-lapse with food. While its not what i had in mind for my work, its a good example of the idea. Have a drink which gradually starts draining down until empty. 


In the gif, Samantha Louise Taylor-Johnson uses fruit to show how it gradually decays.  

Samantha Louise Taylor-Johnson does time-lapse with food. While its not what i had in mind for my work, its a good example of the idea. Have a drink which gradually starts draining down until empty. 


In the gif, Samantha Louise Taylor-Johnson uses fruit to show how it gradually decays.  

For the Time based portion of the project. I found a website called "Saatchi Gallery" ( )

This is work i have done on the subject of personality variation. 

The gif being shown is what i made using portraits that i shot using the class as models. The different variations of portraits showing that every member of the class are different.

Samantha Louise Taylor-Johnson and the Dr.Pepper brand are the influence of this idea. 

I like Samantha Louise Taylor-Johnson's timelapse with the fruit. I don't exactly want to sit around videoing a platter of fruit rot, so i have come up with doing it with a drink instead.

Simple concept, yet it works.

2.) Use the gif idea of the entire class and develop beyond it to show how different personalities are between each             individual.

3.) For idea 3 I can do a double exposure video where I will have models portraits and then use double exposure to               put still life shots into their portraits (These still life objects will be a gif image). The still life objects will be items             that represent their personalities.

          Brandon Kidwell is influential to this idea as I like his work with double exposure. I want to use double exposure 

          with gifs/cinemagraphs. 

1. For unit 7 I want to do a time-lapse gif of Dr.pepper and food being consumed. So, it will have a shot of a full bottle and food on a surface and then it will transition to going down until all gone.

Julien Douvier

Julien Douvier was an influence towards the gif idea along side my own work as i like his work he did for a company called eJust, which is an online lawyer service.

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