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February 01, 2018

Julien Douvier

Influence for gif idea on time based.

January 30, 2018

Mental Health Foundation

This website helped with the identity theme research 

January 30, 2018


What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

January 09, 2018

Said Dagdeviren

Said Dagdeviren is a photographer who used double exposure but with cinemagraphs. 

This inspired idea 3 for time based as I want to do double exposure portraits using cinemagraphs.

January 08, 2018

Saatchi Gallery

This website has a variety of different gifs and cinema graphs that helped inspire my idea 2 on TimeBased.

November 28, 2017

Creative Photography (Book)

This book gave me an idea for my 3D Ideas. photograph Cube.

November 14, 2017

Christoffer Relander

Christoffer Relander was influential for my ideas as i like his still life double exposure shots that he creates using scenic areas. 

November 14, 2017

Brandon Kidwell

I used Brandon Kidwell as inspiration for my ideas. I like his work on double exposure using portraits so i included him as influence for my ideas.

November 09, 2017

How to make a 3D image in photoshop.

This video taught me how to use photoshop to make a 3D image. The video was able to help me do a step by step process on how to do so. 

November 14, 2017

Using a Projector in your Photoshoot

This website gave me ideas for my projector shoot as it shows shots from shoots using projectors and shows equipment/setup

November 21, 2017

Micheal Kenna

This photographer has shots of black & white landscapes/scenes. 

His work has relevancy to my ideas as it inspires my idea for idea 1 as i want to do a black & white scene that looks quite depressive and run down.

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