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Final evaluation

Unit 7

How have you used visual language within the outcome

I have used visual language such as shape, as my final experiment depends heavily on it as its a double exposure.

The final experiment heavily depends on shape as when it comes to making a double exposure, preparing the mask takes time to get the correct cut out. You need to experiment in which cutouts work and what you would need to cut out to make it an effective edit.

Who was your Inspiration and how is the outcome you prepared different from theirs?

Brandon Kidwell and Said Dagdeviren are together, inspiration for the outcome of my 2D final. Brandon Kidwell has some amazing double exposure work, and Said Dagdeviren works with cinemagraphs within his double exposures.

My outcome compared to their work, it isn't as amazing, but i think it turned out well. I like how the exposure of the 2 models can be seen in the sky while the video plays below.

What are the positive aspects and why?

The positive aspects of the outcome was the models in the sky. To me i really liked that feature as it shows that the outcome is positive. I wanted it to be a positive photo and the models in the sky show that with the happy faces they have. ​​

What would you do differently?

I would make it different by making the video that plays being more sunny. I twas hard to get a video with sunny weather due to the current season. If i had a chance to get a video during the summer when the trees are all leafy and the weather is sunny, that would have been perfect for the outcome.

How would you develop the outcome further?

I would develop the outcome further by making it a gif. I would like to make a cinemagraph in the photo so instead of having a video, i could have a continuous loop play instead.

How do you feel the outcome meets the brief theme and why?

I think the outcome meets the brief as the outcome defines being happy. I based my project on mental health which consists of many things, Emotion being one of those things. So i made an outcome that consisted of an image of two models who look happy and i made a double exposure of them.

Explain the processes or techniques you used and explain how these improved the photographs quality

The quality of the final was greatly improved by doing a double exposure video instead of just doing regular double exposure.

The reason this improved the quality of the final is because it gave it more character rather than just being a still image. The video helps build up a more personal meaning to the experiment which helps add more quality to the final.


Unit 6

How have you used visual language within the outcome

Visual language used within this final would definitely be Form. The final is a 3D Photograph gif, So the form of this final changes while the main shape of the double exposed model stays the same. Form in this would be the 3D aspect as it changes to different forms of angles making it express the 3D effect more than usual.

Who was your Inspiration and how is the outcome you prepared different from theirs?

The inspiration for this outcome was by 2 students who attend a college called "Sheridan College" Their work using 3D photography to me was inspiring as you can see that they have grasped the aspect of it well and their images do work really well. 

Other inspiration would be Brandon Kidwell. Same with unit 5, i really likes his double exposure work and i wanted to somehow incorporate the double exposure technique into my 3D Outcome. 

What are the positive aspects and why?

The positive aspects to this final is the idea alone. I like the idea of 3D work becoming more immersive by it becoming a gif. The fact i have made the outcome as a gif to me is the most positive aspect as its different. A 3D gif that actually works well.

What would you do differently?

I would make it different by making it a smoother transition. The current transition between the frames that make the gif come across a little jumpy, i would make it a smoother transition, kind of like how a cinemagraph works.

How would you develop the outcome further?

Like the "What would you do differently" i would like to develop it further by making the transition between the frames smoother.

How do you feel the outcome meets the brief theme and why?

I think the outcome meets the brief as the model looks like she is admiring something and thinking. This would be the monument that is being displayed in the double exposure. Thinking is a vital aspect of an individuals mental health as the thought process that goes through peoples minds takes alot of effect on their state of mind. The model is thinking about the memorial that she is currently standing within. 

Explain the processes or techniques you used and explain how these improved the photographs quality

The techniques that were used in this final is double exposure and 3D Photography. These improved the finals quality as the double exposure gives the 3D final more character in the sense of meaning to the final. A 3D final of just the memorial would of been good, but the double exposure adds more meaning in the sense of emotion. You can see that the model is thinking and that alone gives the final improved quality.

Unit 5

How have you used visual language within the outcome

Visual language on this final would be shape as the double exposure relies on it due to the mask. Masking in photoshop requires precise selecting to make the mask work, so shape is a strong aspect in the final.

Who was your Inspiration and how is the outcome you prepared different from theirs?

Brandon Kidwell was the main inspiration for this final as i really like his work on double exposure. When i see his work i think of memories. To me, in some of his shots, such as the man with the Las Vegas sign, it looks like his intentions were to make him reminisce. My work is to represent emotion and in my final i made it so the model feelslike she is exploding inside. her emotions are becoming so heavy that she is collapsing internally. The fire inside of her is burning. My final is different as my intention was to represent the emotion behind the mental health.

What are the positive aspects and why?

The positive aspects to this final is the double exposure. The image used with the model is of a cloud and sun mix that made the cloud look like a nuke. The image was perfect to represent the models emotion as it looked like an explosion with a burning flaming cloud emitting into the sky.

What would you do differently?

If it was possible, i would have made it a cinemagraph. Try capture a timelapse of the clouds moving so it looks like the fire is expanding and the model blinking slowly, like she is thinking of harsh times in which make her think in remorse.

How would you develop the outcome further?

I would develop this outcome further by making the clouds double exposure move. The clouds would move breifly as if a fiery blaze is moving through the sky.

How do you feel the outcome meets the brief theme and why?

The outcome meets the brief through the emotion the picture represents. My theme was mental health for this project, in this final, it represents remorse and sorrow, The final represents to the brief in that way as its following the theme i had set.

Explain the processes or techniques you used and explain how these improved the photographs quality

I used double exposure for my finals in different ways. For this double exposure, it improved the quality of the image as the 2 shots alone would have had no impact. The double exposure technique has improved the quality of the final as the cloud and the model together make an impact that really makes an impact on the portrayal of the emotion that was intended for the final.

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