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Idea 1 for 2D:

Double exposure of storm in a jar/bottle.


There would be a bottle/jar with a storm inside. This would represent somebody bottling emotions up and the storm inside keeps brewing but cannot escape. This would hold representation of feeling trapped inside with no way out.

For this idea I would link the idea to Christoffer Relander and his work on his projects called “Jared & Displaced” & “Jared & Displaced II”

Inspiration: Christoffer Relander

Idea 2 for 2D:

Double exposure of storm in a person

I want to do a double exposure of a portrait and a grey storm cloud.

This would represent somebody who is fighting a storm inside while trying to live a normal life.

Inspiration: Brandon Kidwell

Idea 3 for 2D:

For unit 5 I want to revolve it around mental health so for the first idea I want to have a black and white image of scenes. These scenes could be places such as abandoned areas, Dead trees/winter trees, a scene of vast emptiness (Like a big field or empty carpark.)

Inspiration: Michael Kenna

The jars shape is intact as by keeping reflection glares onto it. The circled area give the mason jar shape and keeps the effect of the image making it appear the house and land is inside the jar.

The tree in the jar has been cut as it hits the side of the jar. This makes the image effective as it makes the jar hold its relevancy of having a scene inside of it.

The tree in the jar has been cut as it hits the side of the jar. This makes the image effective as it makes the jar hold its relevancy of having a scene inside of it.

In conclusion. Christoffer Relander has done work that is relevant to my idea as I want to do similar work, but instead of a scene with a house or a forest, I want to do a storm or grey cloud to represent trapped emotion.

In the image you are still able to see the models face. This makes the image effective as the models face can have any expression/emotion (Happy, sad, excited, etc)

This could make this form of double more effective as the expression/emotion on the models face could blend with the double exposure. So on the inside of the portrait is a lone model isolated in the portraits head in an area surrounded by nothing.

The manhattan bridge in the background is a good addition tot he image as it shows the length of what Manhattan spans across. Showing ho large the city of New York actually is.

Taking a picture of the city at this time of day is a great idea as it shows all the different lights that are currently on in the city. It puts into question on ow many lives there are just living normal day to day lives and how many of the lights are just empty office buildings. 

Images captured like this can be perceived in different ways by different people. 

Some people can see the city lights as a representation of emptiness due to the empty office buildings lights and others may see it as happiness, Those office lights that are being seen but no people means another person going home to their family enjoiyng the rest of their night.

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