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Unit 9

7 Strengths 7 Weaknesses 


Alright at spelling

When in the "zone". I am productive.

Enjoy Learning New Technqiues



Attention Span


Low Confidence with work

Bad Organisation Skills


Photography Competitions:

An expired Competition Which i did enter, was the "Take Notice" competition that was hosted by Milton Keynes. 



Youth Photography Competition

The youth competition hosts competitions for the youth to which the winner can be awarded a flights and accommodation for the London awards.

The 2019 Sony World Photography Awards will open for entries on June 1, 2018

What you need when presenting work


Ensure the shots are interesting and eye catching.


Ensure the vocabulary that you use is clear and that the audience can understand it.


If you are to present your work to your group. Make a plan of action that you can follow to ensure it goes smoothly.


Make sure that the images you are presenting at a considerable size so that the audience can see.


You will need to consider space when presenting work, like for an exhibition, you would need to think about things Such as: 

  • Where will the display board go?

  • How much space for the guests to walk around between each display?

  • How will you present each piece on its chosen placement?

  • What and where will information be on each piece?


Again, for an exhibition presentation, you need to think of:

  • Frame sizes

  • Display Wall Sizes

  • Walkway Sizing (Where the guests walk to view)

Time Planning

When it comes to presenting work, you need to think about the time span you have from completion and presenting. You need to prioritise on what to work on at a set time. Are you going to work on your descriptions or your framing? Are you going to do a shoot or are you going to edit?

Time planning will help to think ahead in the future so you don't have to battle these questions.

Meeting Deadlines

If you are doing work for an exhibition, you need to consider how you are going to meet a deadline before said exhibition. This is where time planning really starts to make it effect. If you follow a set time plan you ill end up reaching your deadline in time for your exhibition.

Cost of materials

Say again, you are preparing for an exhibition. You are going to need to consider cost of materials, Food, Entertainment and location

You will need to sort out a budget in which to follow. Say you have a budget of £5,000

You will need to sort out how you will pay for:

  • Location: where will the exhibition be hosted?

  • Food&Drink: What will the guests eat and drink?

  • Materials: What will you use to present the work on their displays? How much will the display walls themselves cost?

  • Entertainment: Will there be music? 

Where can you hold an exhibition

Silbury campus is a Milton Keynes college campus in which you are able to do an exhibition. The central area in which i have provided an image for would be suitable due to the open space and the lighting.

Plan your exhibition

Where the green box is, I would set up display walls, running  down all along side the floor straight through the middle. to which then framed pieces will be placed.

Where the red boxes are, i would remove the furniture and place more display walls, but cuboid ones. So they will stand, like columns and on each face of the column, a framed image will be displayed. 

Exhibition Blurb

What is mental health to you?

How do you perceive your way of viewing a way an individual feel?

Mental Health is a key factor to the human way.

Everybody perceives it differently and battles it in their own ways.

Let me show you how I expressed mental health in my perception through my work.

My work defines what i feel it's like for individuals who are in battle with their own minds.



Who might be interested in your work and why?

The 2018 youth competitions brief is:

"Your Environment"

This work here is an abandoned car park in Milton Keynes. The model in which who is double exposed with the photo is my friend. I took the two images and made a double exposure of the two, as if the model is looking down the leading lines of the old car park road. I liked this image which i made and i have marked it for my entry as it is my environment from the city in which i live.

Photograph entry for the youth competition.

3 creative CV'S

My Inspired CV

Job Grid

Wedding Photographer

Fashion Photographer

Landscape photographer

Real Estate Photographer

Photo Journalism

Chosen Photography Interest

I would like to be a travelling photo journalist as i love the idea of travelling and documenting my discoveries.

I would love to be able to travel all around the world and produce stories based on the shots that i have provided during my travels.

This is what i found regarding requirements for this career.


I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

Silbury Campus

Westbury Campus

Westbury Centre Arts centre is ideal for an exhibition as they have a lot of open space in which a number of people can attend such an event. 

Westbury Arts Centre, Foxcovert Rd,

Shenley Church End, Shenley Wood


Interview Do's, Donts and Materials



  1. Prepare - You should prepare for an interview so you go in confident and ready.

  2.  Make a good impression - Its good to make a good first impression to a potential employer as you want to prove you have good characteristics and values as this is what an employer would be looking out for in a potential employee.

  3. Sell Yourself - Describe situations in which you have handled professionally and situations in which you proved ability to pursue tasks well to your employer to sell to them that you are a hard worker who deserves the job.

  4. Ask Questions - Its good to ask your employer questions as it shows you have interest in the job and that you are eager to learn.


  1. Don't be negative - Don't be negative about any previous employer, supervisor, manager as this can affect how the employer will see you as a team player.

  2. Bend the truth - Don't be tempted to over-exaggerate the truth to much as this can make an employer question your characteristics and suitability for the position

  3. Be late (or to early) - You don't want to be late for an interview as this shows bad time keeping and lack of interest. You don't want to be to early either as this could raise question on your time management skills also.

  4. forget to use common sense - Don't dress to casually for an interview as this shows lack of interest for the position (unless its a company that doesn't value such traditions. If the interview is hosted at a restaurant, don't order an alcohol or a starter that isn't graceful to eat.


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